01 julio 2008

Fw: ISIS3 - we are baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 11:24 AM
Subject: ISIS3 - we are baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!

Dear colleagues:

As we promised, after a week of silent listening we are back again.

During the months of May and June, with the help of several friends (Wenke, Marie-Christine, Paulo, Egbert and others who prefer to remain anonymous) we have been announcing the ISIS3 congress and sending out news about ABCD, JISIS, ISIS-NBP and other things.

On june 19th we said we would give you a week to hear opinions from all list memebers, in an open and democratic way.

It was an interesting week, in which we received 61 original messages (not counting translations) from 31 different participants.

There are many valuable opinions.

Among the positive aspects, we would like to point out that nobody monopolised the debate or made personal attacks. The two most active participants sent only four messages each, showing great moderation. The debate was correct, and apart from a few somewhat fervent styles, we have collected a lot of information to process and to share with you during the next weeks.

First of all we must make clear that this is an open and democratic list of ISIS users. It is not the property of any particular institution, be it Unesco, Bireme or anybody else. The opinions expressed are personal and generally do not represent the official word of any organisation, (at the most, there might be authorised statements). For official information, each organisation has its own web sites. This condition includes the author of these lines. Nevertheless, one must not forget that this discussion list is THE most important source of information about what the ISIS community of users are doing, thinking and needing.

What was said in the 61 messages?

Many subjects were mentioned. A list of the most commented ones, still unfinished and in no particular order, includes:
  • What kind of licencing will the new versions have.
  • Services and functions of the ABCD package.
  • Userfriendliness of the applications.
  • Ease of installation and adaptation of the new packages.
  • Training and transfer of knowledge to the users.
  • Maintenance of the most important features of ISIS, such as the indexing (FST) and the display formats (PFTs).
  • How will technical support be guaranteed.
  • Development platforms used by the new architectures.
  • Technical questions about ISIS-NBP and JISIS.
  • What is the relationship between JISIS, ISIS-NBP and ISISDLL
  • ABCD etc. should be delivered with models or demos applicable in real life.
  • The applications should conform to standards – and a long list of these, from DCMI to Z39.50 we counted at least 18 standards!!!
>From all the contributions received, I would like to quote one which I found very nice and will use myself. It was sent by a colleague from Togo:
"On ne peut vendre facilement
bien un chat qu'on a caché dans un sac"

(free translation: It is not easy to sell a cat hidden in a sack).
I totally agree. Don't worry. ABCD et al. are not cats in sacks.
We will continue communicating with you in the next days.

Ernesto Spinak
Ernesto Spinak                  spinaker@adinet.com.uy          Montevideo, Uruguay            tel/fax  (5982) 622-3352        celular  (598)  99612238      

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