05 mayo 2007

BIREME's message concerning Isis

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 1:08 PM
Subject: BIREME's message concerning Isis

Dear everybody

This message I am sending on behalf ot the Director of BIREME, Dr. Abel Packer
(mensaje en español irá por separado)

Dear Colleagues


We are very pleased to announce that as part of the process of renewing broadening and strengthening the products of the Isis Family, BIREME will have from May 2007 on, and at least for a period of 11 months, the consultancy services of Guilda Ascencio, who will join our team of ISIS consultant programmers.


BIREME has agreed with Guilda to incorporate in Virtual Health Library (VHL) platform of ISIS applications and systems the basic module of the integrated library system called Orbita Documental. This library system is programmed in wxis (wwwisis v.5, client/server) with IsisScript and PHP. The functional modules include: creation of databases, data entry, indexation, circulation system, authority control, serial management (kardex), statistics, and other basic modules on the online operation of libraries related products and services.


In the upcoming months Guilda and our team will integrate the Orbita Documental library system with BIREME VHL applications and products, which will then be distributed free of cost and open source. It is our aspiration to release the product before the end of the year in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Other language versions are expected to be developed by other organizations with the support from BIREME.


As already announced, since February 1st of the current year, BIREME has freed of licensing all its Isis products and has begun to realign them to the Open Source philosophy.


You may verify what we already have available


Eng:   http://bvsmodelo.bvsalud.org/php/level.php?lang=en&component=28

Spa:   http://bvsmodelo.bvsalud.org/php/level.php?lang=es&component=28

Por:   http://bvsmodelo.bvsalud.org/php/level.php?lang=pt&component=28


We thank your collaboration in supporting the process of renewing, broadening and strengthening the products of the Isis Family




Abel L. Packer


Abel L. Packer


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